Should you have the specific dimensions, and colour of the granite, marble, or
quartz stone your would like, please be sure to provide these details in the text box below.
Should you have the specific dimensions, and colour of the granite, marble, or
quartz stone your would like, please be sure to provide these details in the text box below.
Request a free quote online by filling in the details below. Alternatively, Contact us directly on mobile.
Set up a meeting to receive a quote estimate and view samples- this is free of charge. If you have a drawing of the area that you would like to fit with granite, marble or quartz, simply email us it to us with the type of stone you wish to fit, and we will provide you with a cost estimate.
Once the final measurement has been taken, a final quotation will be written up for your approval.
Upon approval of final confirmation of your order, your countertops will be installed within 7-10 business days from final measurements.
Your countertops will be installed, and a quality check will be completed to ensure your countertops are according to exact specifications.